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Clausocalanus ingens

Clausocalanus ingens (Frost & Fleminger, 1968)

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Phylum Arthropoda
Subphylum Crustacea
Class Maxillopoda
Subclass Copepoda
Order Calanoida
Family Clausocalanidae
Genus Clausocalanus
Species ingens
  • Male: 0.99-1.08 mm
  • Female: 1.44-1.90 mm

Distinguishing characteristics

  • Small to medium sized copepods
  • Female rostrum bifurcated
  • Male rostrum reduced to a knob
  • Anterior cephalosome and posterior prosome segments are rounded
  • Cephalosome fused to 1st pedigerous somite
  • Female P5 is uniramous, symmetrical and 3-segmented
  • Male P5 uniramous and of unequal length
  • Longer P5 nearly always on left, 5-segmented, with segment 5 short and attached sub-apically to the previous segment
  • Shorter P5 3-segmented, less than half the length of segment 1 of the opposite P5
  • Female urosome 4-segmented
  • Can be confused with Paracalanus but the P5 is of a different form


  • Rostrum in lateral view knob-like and protruding ventrally
  • Caudal rami less than 1.6x as long as wide
  • P5 uniramous and of unequal length, longer P5 nearly always on left, 5-segmented, with segment 5 short and attached sub-apically to the previous segment
  • Shorter P5, 3-segmented, less than half the length of segment 1 of opposite P5


  • Rostrum in lateral view long, slender and curved ventro-posteriorly
  • Genital segment more than 1.5x as long as urosome segment 3
  • Ventral lobe of seminal receptacle small in lateral view, dorsal lobe long and thick
  • Ventral profile of genital segment non protruberant in lateral view
  • Females can be identified from other Clausocalanus females in the form of the seminal receptacle in lateral view and the shape of the forehead

(Frost and Fleminger 1968, Nyan Taw 1978, Bradford-Grieve 1994)


  • Epipelagic
  • Coastal and oceanic
  • Warm temperate waters to subAntarctic
  • Southern Hemisphere, circumglobal


  • Can often be recognised by the blue tint on the cuticle edge of the prosome and pereiopods
  • Although it is often very abundant in plankton samples little is known about the ecology of this species


  • Bradford-Grieve, J. M. (1994). The marine fauna of New Zealand: Pelagic Copepoda: Megacalanidae, Calanidae, Paracalanidae, Mecynoceridae, Eucalanidae, Spinocalanidae, Clausocalanidae. National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, Wellington, New Zealand.
  • Frost B. W. & Fleminger, A. 1968. A revision of the genus Clausocalanus (Copepoda: Calanoida) with remarks on distributional patterns in diagnostic characters. Bull. Scripps Inst. Oceanogr. Univ. Calif. 1968;12:1-235.
  • Taw, N. (1978). Some common components of the zooplankton of the southeastern coastal waters of Tasmania. Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 112: 69-136.