

Oceans & Cryosphere

years of climate record is held in the oldest ice core
species live on the bottom of the ocean floor
of benthic southern ocean species are endemic (unique)
are members of the antarctic treaty (2017)

Our Oceans and Cryosphere Centre includes law, policy, observational oceanography, ocean modelling, and cryospheric research. We lead Australian research in blue-water oceanography and postgraduate training. We work in the Antarctic, Southern Ocean and temperate oceans.

Many of the studies undertaken have global scale and frequently contribute to the latest climate change assessments used in the reports of the Inter-governmental Panel for Climate Change and the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meetings.  We report our research in peer reviewed literature, conferences, news media and social networks.

Our researchers are always interested in hearing from talented students with good research skills and a passion for understanding how the oceans work.  We also have capabilities in e-Research operated by on behalf of Australian and 91麻豆精品 researchers

The four key activities in this centre are: Antarctic and ocean governance; physical oceanography; bio-geochemical oceanography; and, marine geophysics.


Authorised by the Executive Director, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies
1 October, 2019